What variables are available to use in Email templates and Snippets?
This article explains how Administrators can create Snippets, including available variables and examples of how they can improve your workflow.
Table of Contents
Creating Snippets
- From the Fixably Home Screen, navigate to your User Menu, and then click System Settings.
- From the left menu, click Snippets.
- Scroll to the Email section and click Add Snippet to add a new Snippet.
- Using variables in your email or SMS Snippets creates efficiencies in your workflow by automatically retrieving essential information from the Order.
Using Variables
The example below shows an Email or SMS that you could send to a Customer. Using Variables, the customer's first name, order number, current balance, and location name will be automatically filled out for you.
Hi {user.firstName}, Service order {order.id} is completed and is ready for pickup. The total remaining balance for the order is {order.totalRemaining} EUR. Best regards, {location.name}.
Below is a full list of available variables:
Variable |
Description |
{appointment.appointment_date} |
Next future appointment date |
{appointment.appointment_end_date} |
Next future appointment end date |
{contactAddress.address1} |
Contact address |
{contactAddress.city} |
Contact address city |
{contactAddress.state} |
Contact address state |
{contactAddress.zip} |
Contact address zip |
{contactAddress.country} |
Contact address country |
{order.contactName} |
Order customer name |
{order.contactPhone} |
Order customer contact phone |
{order.contactEmail} |
Order customer contact email |
{order.contactCompany} |
Order customer contact company |
{customer.displayName} |
Order customer display name |
{customer.firstName} |
Order customer first name |
{customer.lastName} |
Order customer last name |
{customer.phone} |
Order customer phone |
{customer.email} |
Order customer email |
{delivery.shortName} |
Delivery method short name |
{delivery.name} |
Delivery method name |
{device.id} |
Device identification number (assigned ID number for a device in Fixably) |
{device.serialNumber} |
Device serial number |
{device.imeiNumber} |
Device IMEI number |
{device.imei2} |
Device secondary IMEI number |
{device.configuration} |
Device configuration |
{device.description} |
Device description |
{device.warrantyName} |
Device warranty status |
{device.purchaseCountry} |
Device country of purchase |
{device.purchaseCountryString} |
Device country string (if applicable) |
{device.brand} |
Device brand |
{device.model} |
Device model |
{device.source} |
Device source of information retrieval |
{device.notes} |
Device notes |
{device.activationPolicy} |
Device activation policy (iOS) |
{handler} |
Handler full name |
{handler.firstName} |
Handler first name |
{lastInvoiceId} |
Last invoice ID |
{user.firstName} / {handler.firstName} |
Customer or handler first name |
{user.lastName} / {handler.lastName} |
Customer or handler last name |
{user.shippingAddress} / {handler.shippingAddress} |
Customer or handler shipping address |
{user.phone} / {handler.phone} |
Customer or handler phone number |
{user.email / {handler.email} |
Customer or handler email address |
{user.username} / {handler.username} |
Customer or handler Fixably username |
{user.notes} / {handler.notes} |
Customer or handler notes in their customer card |
{user.lang_id} / {handler.lang_id} |
Customer or handler preset language |
{user.displayName} / {handler.displayName} |
Customer or handler display name |
{user.vat_number} / {handler.vat_number} |
Customer or handler VAT number |
{user.fullname} / {handler.fullname} |
Customer or handler first and last name |
{lines} |
Order line |
{#lines}{id}{/lines} |
Lists id numbers of line items |
{#lines}{category}{/lines} |
Lists categories of line items |
{#lines}{type}{/lines} |
Lists types of line items |
{#lines}{name}{/lines} |
Lists names of line items |
{#lines}{price}{/lines} |
Lists prices of line items |
{#lines}{code}{/lines} |
Lists product codes of line items |
{#lines}{vat}{/lines} |
Lists tax amounts of line items |
{#lines}{quantity}{/lines} |
Lists quantities of line items |
{location.id} |
Service location identification number (assigned ID number for location in Fixably) |
{location.name} |
Location name |
{location.email} |
Location email |
{location.phone} |
Location phone |
{location.address} |
Location address |
{location.zip} |
Location zip |
{location.city} |
Location city |
{location.state} |
Location state |
{location.country} |
Location country |
{me.displayName} |
Current user display name |
{me.firstName} |
Current user first name |
{me.lastName} |
Current user last name |
{order.id} |
Order id |
{order.totalRemaining} |
Order total remaining |
{order.createdDate} |
Order creation date |
{order.closedDate} |
Order closing date |
{order.ref} |
variable-order-reference |
{order.ref2} |
variable-order-reference-2 |
{order.internal_ref} |
Order internal reference |
{order.contactName} |
Order contact name |
{order.contactPhone} |
Order contact phone1 |
{order.contactEmail} |
Order contact email1 |
{?order.issue}{order.issue}{/order.issue} |
Order issue notes |
{?order.diagnosis}{order.diagnosis}{/order.diagnosis} |
Order diagnosis notes |
{?order.resolution}{order.resolution}{/order.resolution} |
Order resolution notes |
{?order.detailNotes}{order.detailNotes}{/order.detailNotes} |
Order detail notes |
{user.company} / {handler.company} |
Customer or handler company name |
{user.department} / {handler.department} |
Customer or handler department |
{order.total} |
Order total |
{portal} |
Portal URL |
{publicStatusUrl} |
Public status URL |
{publicStatusUrl|shorturl} |
Public status URL shortened |
{store.id} |
Store location identification number (assigned ID number for location in Fixably) |
{store.name} |
Store name |
{store.email} |
Store email |
{store.phone} |
Store phone |
{store.address} |
Store address |
{store.zip} |
Store zip |
{store.city} |
Store city |
{store.state} |
Store state |
{store.country} |
Store country |
{statusName} |
Name of the order's status |
{tasks[task_id].data} |
Raw value of task [task_id] |
{tasks[task_id].displayData} |
Display value of task [task_id] |
{today} |
Current date |