How do I configure Cost Estimate with Options?

A step-by-step walk through on how to configure Cost Estimates with Options.

This feature is an additional feature and requires support to enable it. Please contact support for more information. 

1. To set up Cost Estimates go to System Settings > Cost Estimate

2. Once here you can set up the different options for the feature. The first you will want to set is the Cost Estimate Categories. These are the options the customer will be able to choose from when they receive the Cost Estimate. To create a new option click New Cost Estimate Category. Next, fill in the name and description of the cost estimate option as well you can select if you would like the order lines to remain on the order with this option.

3. Here you can also assign products that are added to the order depending on the choice the customer makes. To create these click New Cost Estimate Product. Select the Category for the product (the choice the customer will be choosing in the portal), the Type of product you are adding, the Priority and you can search for the correct product. Once all this information has been filled in Save

4. Additional settings to be configured are as follows:

  • Enable cost estimate with options - this will enable the option to use cost estimate with options
  • Enable cost estimate default options - This enables the default options
  • Auto generate Cost Estimate PDF file when a Cost Estimate is sent - This automatically creates the PDF file when the Cost Estimate is created