How do I create or change Order Lists?

You can create customized Order Lists in Fixably, allowing Orders to be filtered and organized in any way you choose.

Built-in Order Lists

Fixably provides six default order lists. These lists contain Fixably orders filtered by specific criteria based upon the logged-in User's default service location.

  • My orders - All open Orders currently assigned to you.
  • In queue - Orders assigned to a Queue and Location but have not yet been assigned to a Technician.
  • In queue (all) - Orders in a service queue, including those not yet been received into a location.
  • Incoming - Open Orders that have not been received at a Service Location.
  • Ready - Closed Orders that are Ready for Pickup.
  • Completed - Closed Orders that have been Delivered or Picked Up.

Setting a Default Service Location

  1. From the Fixably Home Screen, navigate to your User Menu and then click on User Settings.

  2. Under the General section, click Expand.

  3. Select a Default Service Location.

  4. When complete, click Save Settings.


Creating Order Lists

  1. From the Fixably Home Screen, navigate to your User Menu and then click on User Settings.

  2. Under the Order Lists tab, click Expand.

  3. Name your new Order List. This will be visible in the Orders section of the Navigation Sidebar.

  4. List the required Parameters for your Order List.

  5. For a detailed explanation of the available Parameters, see the last section of this guide.


Changing Order Lists

  1. From the Fixably Home Screen, navigate to your User Menu and then click on User Settings.

  2. Under the Order Lists tab, click Expand.

  3. Click on the Order List you need to edit.

  4. Edit the Name or Parameters as required. 

  5. When complete, click Update.

  6. Users can also change the Order in which the Order Lists appear in the Navigation Sidebar. To change the Order of the current Order Lists, drag the Order Lists to the desired position.

  7. For any changes to take effect, refresh your browser window. 


Formatting Order Lists

  • Order List need to be configured in the following format:

  • Name of Parameter = Specific criteria to include

  • Multiple Parameters can be included by using a & between each Parameter.


Order List Parameters

Order Details

Parameter Name Explanation Available Parameters or How to Find Them
queue List orders associated with specific Queues. System Settings / Queues - Select Edit from the Gear Menu. The Queue ID # is listed at the top of the side pane.
status List orders associated with specific Order Statuses. System Settings / Order Statuses - Select Edit from the Gear Menu. The Status ID # is listed at the top of the side pane.
location List orders associated with specific Locations. System Settings / Locations and Stores - Select Edit from the Gear Menu. The Location ID # is listed at the top of the side pane.
internal List orders associated with a specific Internal Location. with_customer, in_service, in_store, in_transit
handler List orders associated with a specific Employee(s). Home Screen / Users / Employees - ID numbers will be found beside the User's name
Store List orders associated with a specific Store(s). System Settings / Locations and Stores - Select Edit from the Gear Menu. The Store ID # is listed at the top of the side pane.
device Lists orders with a specific Device ID(s). Advanced Reports - Add Device ID and Device Name to Columns and run the report.
reference Lists orders associated with a specific string of text in the Customer Reference field Specific text in the Customer Reference field of each Order.
provider Lists Orders based on how they were Provided to Fixably. 

Import - Orders created using the Batch Import feature

Portal - Orders from the Customer Portal

APPTSCHEDULER - Orders from the GSX Appointment Scheduler

DST - Orders Provided by DST (Telia)

identifier Lists orders associated with a specific identifier from a provider's external system.  
tags Lists orders that contain specific Order or customer Tags. Tags field in each Order or within each Customer Profile.
unreadNotifications  List orders with unread notifications  
user (number)  User id. List orders with specified customer  
task (string:string)  Task name:Task value. List orders that have a specific value on a task. 


task=serial number:1234567890

customField_8  (Numeric) Test - Orders - Custom Fields (Some Additional Order Info)


Shipment Details

Parameter Name Explanation Available Parameters or How to Find Them
delivery List orders associated with a specific Delivery Method(s). System Settings / Delivery Methods - ID numbers will be found beside the Delivery Method's name.
delivery_type List orders associated with a Delivery Type(s). Home Screen / System Settings / Delivery Methods - Open the Delivery and select delivery type.

1 - Drop Off, 2 - Shipping, 3 - Pickup, 4 - No Return
delivery_carrier List orders associated with a Delivery Carrier(s). Manual or with various shipping integrations.
transit_origin Lists orders depending on their transit status. in_transit_from_store, in_transit_from_service

Customer Details

Parameter Name Explanation Available Parameters or How to Find Them
user List orders associated with a specific Customer(s). Home Screen / Users / Customers - ID numbers will be found beside the Customer's name
contactName List orders associated with a specific End User's Name.  
contactPhone List orders associated with a specific End User's Phone Number.  
contactEmail List orders associated with a specific End User's Email Address.  

Other Options

Parameter Name

asc Reverses sorting Order of the Order List.
open Lists any orders that are currently Open.
closed Lists any orders that are currently Closed.
in Lists orders where the Internal Location is set to in-service or in-transit.
out Lists orders where the Internal Location is set to with-customer.
draft Lists orders that have not been received into the service queue.
notdraft Lists orders that have been fully added to the service queue.
repair Lists orders that have an associated Repair.
open_repair Lists orders that have an associated Open Repair.



Replaced with the default Location ID defined in User Settings.


Replaced with default Store ID defined in User Settings.
{handler} Replaced with the current User ID.


Change Log

2022/05/18 - Minor copy edits. Added details on available Provider paramaters options

2022/01/31 - New article released