How can I create an Outgoing Manifest for an End User or Third Party?
This article outlines the steps to create an Outgoing Manifest for Orders that are associated with a Child Customer.
Table of Contents
Before getting started:
Before you start creating your Outgoing Manifest, make sure that your Orders have a Child Customer setup and added. See this article for more information:
How can I add a Child Customer from the Order View?
From an existing Order, navigate to the Customer Card. Click on the gear menu and then select Add Child Customer.
If the customer has previously existing child customers, they can be added to the order by picking them from the list.
If needed, you can also create a new customer profile. This profile will automatically be added as a child of the Parent customer already on the Order.
A dialogue will appear. Click the Confirm button. This will not overwrite the Parent customer, but will add the selected profile as a child of the existing parent customer.
When viewing the Order, the Child customer will now be visible.
Creating the Outgoing Manifest:
Navigate to the Outgoing Manifests module. Click the New Manifest button.
The New Manifest form will appear.
Select the desired Customer from the drop-down menu.
If the selected Customer has any Child accounts, an additional drop-down menu will appear.
If you want to address the Outgoing Manifest to the Child Customer / End User, select the appropriate profile.
- If this option is selected, only Orders belonging to that Child Customer can be added to the Manifest
If you want to address the Outgoing Manifest to the Parent Customer, leave this field empty.
- If this option is selected, you can add any Order associated with the Parent Customer to the Outgoing Manifest.
- The Child Customer data is visible in the Printouts with the Order Information (see images of the printouts later in this article).
Fill in the remaining data.
Add the number of units that can be added to this Outgoing Manifest.
When complete, click Save.
Find your newly created Manifest in the Open Manifests list.
Scan or type the Orders into the Outgoing Manifest
If the operation is successful, you will see a confirmation message.
If you have additional Orders to add to your Outgoing Manifest, continue scanning them. When complete click the Request Shipment button.
The Orders will be then added to the Outgoing Manifest. If you wish to print a Manifest Document, click the Print button.
If you addressed the Manifest to the Child Customer, their account details are listed in the header section.
If you addressed the Manifest to the Parent Customer, their account details are listed in the header section. The Child Customers details are listed with each individual Order and it's associated data.