How do I resolve "Lookup Limit Exceeded" errors when using the GSX Integration?

To enhance the security of your Fixably Environment and GSX Integration, Users can perform a limited amount of Device Lookups every 12 hours. This article is a step-by-step guide to help Administrators adjust those limits.


Employees can perform up to 200 Device Lookups every 12 hours. 

  1. From the Navigation Sidebar, click Users and then Employees.

  2. Find the appropriate Employee from the list and click on the Gear menu.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click Advanced Settings.

  5. Adjust the Lookup Limit as needed.

  6. When complete, click Save.



When using the Customer Portal, Customers can perform up to 5 Device Lookups every 12 hours. If the Customer has the Reseller role enabled, the limit increases to 20.

  1. From the Navigation Sidebar, click Users and then Customers.

  2. Find the appropriate Customer from the list and click on the Gear menu.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click Advanced Settings.

  5. Adjust the Lookup Limit as needed.

  6. When complete, click Save.