How do I add Snippets?

This article provides a walkthrough on how to create and use Snippets in Fixably.

Snippets are commonly used phrases that are easily accessible to make notes, emails and SMS faster and more efficient. 

Add a new Snippet

Snippet variables

Snippets are available in the following note types: 

  • Issue
  • Diagnosis
  • Resolution
  • SMS
  • Email
  • Internal note
  • Detail

Add a new Snippet

1. From the Home Screen, click on your User Name Menu.

Click on your name in the top right hand corner

2. Select System Settings.


3. Click on Snippets.Click on  Snippets


4. Determine the type of Snippet (Issue, Diagnosis, Email, SMS, and others) you would like to create. Click on Add snippet in the appropriate section. If applicable, select the language.

Click on the Add snippet button in the corresponding section. If applicable, select the language

5. Snippets can be assigned to specific queues. Select the queue(s) this Snippet should be available in. 

Select the queue(s) where you would want to use this Snippet

6. Type the body of the Snippet.

Type the body of the Snippet

7. When your Snippet is set up, click on the Save settings button.


Using a Snippet

1. When adding a note to an order, select the appropriate type (Issue, Resolution, Detail, and others) from the drop-down menu.

In the order view, Select Issue

2. Start typing, and available Snippets will pop pop up. To select the Snippet, click on it from the list. 

start typing the issue, and available snippets will pop-up under the issue field, select the Snippet

3. Click Add public note or Add internal note to save. 

Click on the Add public note button

4. The new note will be added to the Order

New issue is added to the order