What are Stocks?

The Stocks feature in Fixably provides valuable tools to manage, control, and track different types of inventory items.

Stocks can be structured to meet your business needs. From keeping track of items you sell in a single location to tracking inventory across multiple Stocks, Locations and Products, Fixably scales to suit your needs. 

To access the Stocks module, from the Navigation Sidebar, select Stocks


Stock Management

Create new Stocks to manage inventory across multiple locations or product types. 

Fixably supports an unlimited number of Stocks. Stocks can be linked to specific Customers and Brands and supports Apple Consignment Inventory.


Stock Transfers

Use Stock Transfers to transfer inventory between locations or make inventory adjustments while maintaining a complete audit trail. 

New Transfer - Easily transfer inventory from one location to another. 

New Outtake - Adjust inventory out of stock.

Import Transfers - More efficient method for transferring large amounts of inventory between locations.



Use Products to get a complete picture of your inventory efficiently. Adjust Pricing, Serial Numbers, Leger Codes, and other information for any product in Fixably.

Filtering to a specific Stock will display a list of parts currently available to be consumed in an Order. 

Learn more about how to receive and import Products here.


Stock Logs

Use Stock Logs to view an audit trail for ProductsSerial Numbers, or Stocks, including:

  • Date and time the product was added to stock 
  • Stock location
  • Stock movements
  • Serial or IMEI numbers
  • Quantity
  • Purchase Order


Incoming Goods

The Incoming Goods subfeature is available if you have an OEM Integration enabled such as GSX or IGSPN, making it much easier for users to receive Products and input any related information. If a Product is ordered for a specific Order, Fixably will automatically update the Order status and update any serial numbers. 


Received Goods

Received Goods records what inventory has already been received for easy reference.