V4.37.0 - Release Notes

Date of Release: September 12, 2024

Upcoming New Features:

  • New Service Contract Module
    • Fixably is currently hard at work on an updated version of our Service Contracts module.
    • As part of this update, the current v3/service-contracts endpoint will be changed to v3/legacy-service-contracts. This change is part of our ongoing efforts to improve and streamline our platform.
    • Please note that the API documentation will be updated accordingly with the release. We recommend reviewing the updated documentation to ensure a smooth transition and to take advantage of the new features and improvements.
    • If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@fixably.com
  • GSX Integration
    • Our updated GSX Integration for API V6 is currently in User Acceptance Testing.
    • Users may see new options to switch to the V6 APIs in the GSX Integration Settings and User Settings.
    • While testing has been very positive so far, Fixably recommends using the V5 APIs if you are working in a live production environment.
    • Fixably will automatically update all tenants to V6 well ahead of the deadline in October.

Updates to Existing Features:

  • Customer Profile Management
    • Non-Admin Employee Users can no longer delete or archive customer profiles.
    • Admin Users can still delete or archive customer profiles
    • Added a dialog box when an Admin tries to delete a customer profile confirming that this is the correct action.
    • This change aims to prevent customer profiles from being accidentally deleted by Users, which then results in tickets to Fixably Support to restore the data.
  • Cost Estimate with Options
    • Added a new button to Unpaid Invoices View (from the charge menu) to resend the payment link.
    • The customer will be sent an email using the same Cost Estimate email template as was originally used.
  • Receiving Manifests
    • When a User is receiving a Manifest, any items that are in the prepared for receiving section will now be stored in the browser cache.
    • This enhancement improves the workflow if a User clicks the Refresh button accidentally or the browser is closed.
  • Customer Portal
    • Parent accounts can now see the Delivery Method selection of Orders created by their Child accounts.
    • Previously the Delivery Methods chosen were not visible to Parent accounts if they did not create the Order.
  • GSPN Integration
    • If a Repair fails to communicate with GSPN, Fixably will now show the error until a successful message is sent.

Bug Fixes:

  • Receiving Manifests
    • Fixed an issue where the Device Model name was not appearing on Manifest Exports.
  • Internal Transits
    • Fixed an intermittent issue where a User could not delete an Internal Transit.
    • Fixed an intermittent issue where a User could not move an Internal Transit back to Draft status.
  • Access Control Lists (Beta Feature)
    • Fixed an issue where the Macro menu was not visible if the Access Control Lists (Beta Feature) was enabled.