How do I set up Tax Rates?

This guide explains how to add, edit and remove Tax Rates in Fixably.

Add a new Tax Rate

To set up Tax Rates, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. In the Home Screen, click on your User Name Menu.

In the dashboard click on your name

2. Select System Settings.

Select System Settings

3. Select Tax Rates.

Choose Tax Rates

 4. To add a new Tax Rate, click Add tax rate in the upper right corner.

To add new Tax Rate click on  Add tax rate button in the top right-hand-side corner

5. Enter the name of the new Tax Rate - it should be easily distinguishable.

Type a name for the new Tax Rate - name should be easily distinguishable

6. Enter the Tax Rate %.

enter the number for Tax rate %

7. Select your country from the dropdown menu and click Save.

Select your country form dropdown menu and click on Save

8. Continue adding any required tax rates for the region in which your business operates. If you have multiple tax rates for one country, you can mark one of them as the default option. Select Set as default from the list to select a default Tax Rate

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.04.41

Tax Rate options displayed in an order are based on the user's default Service Location.

Please note that only one Tax rate can be a default per Country/State


Edit existing Tax Rates

1. To edit an existing Tax Rate, click on the Tax Rate Name in the list. 

To edit any details on the added Tax Rate, click on the name

2. Edit the Name, Tax rate %, or Country.

Edit any information that needs changes (Name, Tax rate or Country)

3. Click on the Save button once you have made any required changes. 


Remove existing Tax Rates

1. To remove an existing Tax Rate, first locate it in the list of tax rates. 

All available tax rates are shown on this page. If you have multiple tax rates in one country, you can mark one of them as default option.Tax rate options are shown based on user's default service location.

2. To remove the Tax Rate, click on the Remove button.

To remove unnecessary Tax Rate click on Remove button

3. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your decision. If you would like to proceed, please click the Remove button.

To confirm your decision, in the pop-up window click on Remove button again
