How do I import employees into Fixably?

This article provides an overview of how to import employees into Fixably.

1. In the Navigation Sidebar, select Users.

In the Navigation Sidebar click on Users


2. Select Employees.

Select Employees


3. In the upper right corner, select Employee Import.

Click on  Employee Import


4. You can download an example with all added fields by clicking on Download example CSV.

You can download an example with all added fields by clicking on Download example CSV.


5. Open the example file in your selected spreadsheet software and fill in the required information for each new employee account. 

Import downloaded example file into your spreadsheet software and add information needed

6. Navigate to the Employees menu in Fixably.

Go back to Fixably system to Employees


7. Select your saved CSV/XLSX file from the file upload menu.

Select your saved CSV/XLSX file from file upload menu


8. If you are importing a CSV file, choose Comma as the CSV delimiter.

Select Comma , from CSV delimiter

9. Click on Submit.

Click on Submit

10. The newly created employee accounts will be visible at the bottom of the list. 

The added Employees will appear at the end of the list

11. To edit any details (for example, access levels or default store location) associated with the employee, select their name from the list.

Click on the Employees name to edit his/hers details (such as Default Store Location and access level)

12. When you have completed any required changes, remember to select Save.

Once all the changes done, click on the Save button
