How do I request Apple to review a GSX repair?

This article is a step-by-step walk-through to help Technicians efficiently use Fixably to request Apple to review a GSX repair. For more information on when it is appropriate to request a review, please see GSX Article OP56.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Order. Ensure you have any Parts required for the repair listed in the Products section of the Order.

  2. From the Device section, click the Gear menu.

  3. From the list, select the appropriate repair type.

  4. Create the GSX repair following your normal process. For additional assistance, please visit this article.

  5. Under the Details tab, select the Request Review checkbox.

  6. Select the "Request review" box.

  7. Add Repair Review Notes explaining why you are requesting a review and what you are looking for from Apple.

  8. When you are finished and ready to submit the repair, click Create Repair.


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