How can I adjust the Unit Received Date and Time prior to creating a GSX repair?

This article is a step-by-step walk-through to help Technicians efficiently use Fixably to adjust the Unit Received Date and Time before creating a GSX repair.

  1. From the Device section of the Order, click the Gear menu.

  2. From the list, select the appropriate Repair Type.

  3. Under the Summary tab, the CoverageSymptomIssue and Reproducibility you selected when adding the Part to the Order will be automatically entered for you. 

  4. Under the Details tab, you can adjust the Unit Received Date/Time.

  5. Under Received, click the Grid icon to adjust the Unit Received Date and Time. 

  6. Select the Date

  7. Select the Hour.

  8. Select the Minute

  9. Under Received, the updated Unit Received Date and Time will be listed. 

  10. Continue completing the GSX repair as required.


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2022/05/11 - New article released