How can I use Alarms to receive notifications about Customers?

Alarms are helpful notifications that remind you when you interact with specific Customers.

  1. From your User Name Menu, click Alarms.

Creating a New Alarm

  1. Click the New Alarm button.

  2. In the Subject field, enter the name of your Alarm.

  3. Enter the information you would like the Alarm to display in the Message field. 

  4. Specify a Customer.

  5. If applicable, specify the Default Service Location. If this Alarm should not be tied to a specific location, leave this field blank.

  6. Decide how the Alarm should be Triggered.

  7. Click the Recurring checkbox if the Alarm should alert each time the above Trigger occurs.

  8. Click Create to finish setting up the Alarm.

Editing an Alarm

  1. From the list of Alarms, click the Gear menu and then select Edit.

  2. Adjust any information as required. 

  3. When complete, click Save.

  4. If required, you can remove Alarms by clicking the Delete button.